someone felt the need to send me a pick of a mediocre penis to my cell phone today. RUDE! if i was a penis picture collector-i would have sent him a reply with a two part picture of a really nice one(one so big it needed to be sent in two separate texts!) but instead i just clutched my pearls because i don't collect such photographs nor do i encourage people to send them to me. I'm so offended. what nerve...and what exactly are u suggesting, promoting and or showing off. mediocrity????? no sir-no thank you.
its 2009, Barack is in office and I'm sure he's made a lot of minority(emphasis on minor) men feel good about themselves and all----but run for senate or block club president don't send such foolishness to my phone or email! if I'm ever in the mood to see it--it'll be in person not in some tacky text message. so, if (god forbid) i loose my phone and someone finds it--what will they think of me? that i like looking at baby porn?-cuz that's what it is. or that i settle for less and I'm okay with small yams? NEVER.
so u probably wondering what my response was.....................................................................................................................exactly-you got it-......Crickets, dead crickets. silence kills and I'm the best at that! death by no acknowledgement, lil' john. OKAY!
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