Your fascination with the finer things in life could be holding you back right now. Are you devoting too much time and money to looking good but ignoring your poor emotional and physical being? Pare down your list of necessities and skip a few indulgences today. Get back to thinking about the things that really matter. Figuring out which of the latest gadgets you want to buy is fine, but it's not going to bring you the happiness or fulfillment you seek.
-my cancer horoscope 365 days a year.....
so basically i'm too fat to wear my new treasures and seeking out new tenderness. i need to get my life together and stop worrying about foolywang and gobbledygoop. gotta make a list and stick to it. get into that! i guess they told me.
hold up! they didnt just call me a shallow gold digger-did they?????
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