FAT is the question?!
a life long question. sexiness and personality is something innate. either u have it or you don't. Ive got it!-at 125 or 160--I'm told I'm sexy. but i struggle with weather i wanna go balls to the wall and eat till i explode or starve in the name of fashion. i live for small titt, cleavage no-bra showing pieces, covered with an element of surprise fashion options. but, as a size 8-10 those options become very limited. my significant others never complain. in fact it seems that they like me heavier. but i have to admit being/working amongst the rich and beautiful sometimes i feel a tinge of insecurity from a chizzled belly and petite thighs. SOMETIMES!!....cuz my momma said i shine from the inside out.FAIL.
so shall we order exotic cheeses online for the most splendid grill cheese extravaganza or do we eat chicken breast and salad to be healthy and do acrobatics at the next love making fest???????
grill cheeses give warmth and a sense of security but showroom samples are size 4. decisions.
shall i do crunches or trust in my friend Gertrude the Girdle for the next event????
damn homie.
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