just watching vh1 soul and they are featuring video from MJB.
is it me or are today's R&B starlets not so brain staining???!
listening to real love, reminisce etc take me back to a time during my youth when i was eager to know what those things were about. she's definitely a major portion of my soundtrack of life. she was right there when i experienced so many crucial things-"ME" shaping things. family road trips to atl, my first kiss, my first sip of cisco, teen parties and loosing my virginity (the first time)! and yes i think it happen in that order! love no limit still triggers a phone call to my first-Raheem Choice in Detroit cuz that was OUR song. and i still love him with no limit (for what it was).LOL
it didn't dawn on me that we(MJB and I) weren't friends until she gave me a slight smile and kept it movin at the MTV awards a couple years ago. i was like what???i just knew she was gonna embrace me and we were gonna chop it up cuz it had been awhile. but she really kept it movin! now, i can LMAO cuz we really don't know each other. but, i really felt like i had known so much of who she was thru her music over the years. and shit...she was right there with me thru it all! we grew up together(in my mind).
she was my go-to for fashion. my muse-my everything. remember the silver wardrobe in be happy? that was one video-yet it was a staple in my existence for an entire year. can u imagine me showing up to chemistry class-silver lip stick, silver combat boots, bubble vest- the works. i went hard. it was severe and sincere all at the same time.
do today's youth get that attachment? i don't think so.
after the "my life" album, i had a brief separation from MJB she was enjoying life and love. and the shit was just hitting the fan for me, so i opted to listen to some other things, darker things that i could relate to. happy for her growth and all, I just had to do me for a while. and even then-i knew she would understand. that was my process of trying to be HAPPY.
seeing her on tv today makes me appreciate her more than ever-not only is she still very relevant, she's still recognizable to her fans (no crazy surgeries and foolywang to date), she's positive and beautiful. a real icon.
so now-a-days when i see her-i just smile to myself-cuz i know we like-THIS! (crossing my two fingers, all strong-in the air). thats my girl-weather she knows it or not!
"what's the 411" i styled that album cover..."be happy" i styled that video...happy 2 inspire!